Jul 22, 2024

Jul 22, 2024

21 Tips to Increase Ecommerce Sales and Revenue

21 Tips to Increase Ecommerce Sales and Revenue

If you’re an online business owner, you know the e-commerce industry is booming. 

Millions of products are sold online daily, and businesses are always on the lookout for ways to boost their e-commerce sales

Whether you’re just starting or looking to grow, understanding this potential can help you position your brand effectively.

To help you navigate this competitive landscape, we’ve compiled a list of 21 proven tips to help skyrocket your e-commerce sales and revenue. Let’s dive in!

Tips For Increase Ecommerce Sales and Revenue

#1. Attention-Grabbing Images

High-quality, attention-grabbing images can significantly influence buying decisions. 

Buyers consider product images and descriptions crucial. Since online shoppers can’t physically examine products, providing detailed images, 360-degree views, and product videos can enhance their shopping experience.

Invest in professional photography to showcase your products in the best light. 

Use multiple angles, close-ups, and context shots to give customers a comprehensive view. 

Adding videos demonstrating the product's features or usage can also be very effective. Remember, your product images and videos are often the first impression customers get, so make them count.

#2. Customer Feedback and Reviews

Customer reviews offer social proof that can boost your conversion rates. 

Encourage past customers to leave reviews, perhaps offering a small incentive like a discount or gift card. Ensure that reviews are genuine and reflect real customer experiences.

Reviews help build trust and credibility. 

When potential customers see positive feedback from others who have bought and enjoyed your products, they feel more confident in making a purchase. 

Addressing negative reviews constructively also shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving your products and services.

#3. Discount and Coupon Offers

Discounts and coupons are effective sales drivers. 

Most shoppers wouldn’t have made a purchase without a discount. 

Make discount codes easy to find and use, and consider offering them through email marketing or social media.

Limited-time offers or exclusive discounts for subscribers can create urgency and reward loyal customers. 

Ensure your discounts are genuine and provide real value to avoid eroding your profit margins. 

Track the performance of your discount campaigns to understand what works best and refine your strategy accordingly.

#4. Highlighted Featured or Trending Products

Highlight your bestsellers and trending products with a “featured” or “trending” section on your website. 

This helps customers quickly identify popular items and can drive sales of these products. 

Also, consider a “new arrivals” section to promote your latest products.

By showcasing trending products, you tap into customers' fear of missing out (FOMO). 

They’re more likely to buy what’s popular to stay on trend. Featured products can also guide undecided customers toward making a purchase. 

Regularly update these sections to keep the content fresh and engaging.

#5. Write Content that Provides Value

Attract more visitors by creating valuable content that solves their problems or fulfills their needs. 

Blog posts, videos, and tutorials can position you as an industry expert and increase trust in your brand, leading to more sales.

Quality content not only drives traffic but also engages and educates your audience. 

Use SEO best practices to ensure your content ranks well in search engines, bringing in organic traffic. 

Regularly update your content to keep it relevant and useful to your readers.

#6. Use Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can motivate quick purchases. 

Use countdown timers, limited-time discounts, or promotions like “free shipping for the next 24 hours” to encourage immediate action. 

Avoid overdoing it, as excessive urgency can make customers feel pressured.

Urgency works because it triggers the fear of missing out (FOMO). 

Displaying low stock alerts, or phrases like “only a few left in stock,” can prompt customers to act quickly. 

Time-limited offers also create a psychological trigger, making customers feel they need to buy now to get the best deal.

#7. Wholesale Selling Opportunities

Selling wholesale can boost your sales by attracting bulk buyers. 

Reach out to potential wholesale customers and use apps or plugins to set up a seamless wholesale experience. 

Ensure you have enough inventory to meet the demand.

Wholesale can open up a new revenue stream and help move larger quantities of products. Building relationships with other businesses can lead to repeat orders and long-term partnerships. 

Use wholesale pricing strategies and create tailored offers for bulk buyers to make your wholesale proposition attractive.

#8. Retargeting Advertising Campaigns

Retargeting ads keep your products in front of customers who’ve shown interest but didn’t purchase. 

These ads, which can be set up on platforms like Facebook and Google, remind customers of your products and encourage them to return and buy.

Retargeting ads are effective because they focus on warm leads—customers who are already familiar with your brand and products. 

You can tailor these ads based on specific behaviors, such as viewing a product page or adding items to the cart. 

This personalized approach increases the likelihood of converting these visitors into buyers.

#9. Bundle and Package Deals

Bundles or combos offer customers a deal they can’t resist. 

For example, pair a smartphone with a protective case and screen protector at a discounted price. Ensure that the bundled items complement each other and appeal to your target market.

Bundling products can increase the average order value and help move inventory that might be slow-selling on its own. 

Customers perceive bundles as providing more value, which can enhance their shopping experience. Experiment with different combinations and monitor which bundles perform best.

#10. Influencer Partnerships

Influencers can significantly boost your sales by promoting your products to their followers. 

Offer them free products to review or a commission on sales they generate. 

Find influencers in your niche using relevant hashtags on social media.

Influencer partnerships can expand your reach and tap into new audiences. 

Choose influencers whose values align with your brand for authentic promotion. 

Track the results of your influencer campaigns to ensure they are delivering a good return on investment and adjust your approach as needed.

#11. Free Shipping Offer

Free shipping is a powerful incentive for online shoppers. Many online buyers consider ‘free shipping’ the most important factor when deciding whether to make a purchase. 

You can absorb the shipping cost yourself or slightly raise product prices to cover it. 

For an extra edge, offer express shipping options for an additional fee.

Free shipping can also help reduce cart abandonment, a common issue in e-commerce. 

Many customers add items to their cart only to abandon them at checkout due to unexpected shipping costs. 

By offering free shipping, you create a smoother, more predictable shopping experience. 

Additionally, you can set a minimum purchase amount to qualify for free shipping, encouraging customers to add more items to their cart to reach the threshold.

#12. Offer Free Product Sampling

Free samples allow customers to try your products before committing to a purchase, which can lead to higher conversion rates. 

Make sure you have enough stock to fulfill sample requests.

Offering samples can build trust and encourage hesitant customers to make a purchase. 

It’s especially effective for products like skincare or food, which customers want to test before buying. 

Promote your free samples through social media and email campaigns to maximize reach.

#13. Flexible Return/Exchange Policy

A clear and fair return/exchange policy can reduce hesitation to buy. 

Make sure it’s prominently displayed on your website and easy to understand, reassuring customers that they can return or exchange products if necessary.

A generous return policy can differentiate your brand and increase customer satisfaction. 

Outline the steps for returning or exchanging products clearly and provide responsive customer service to handle these requests. 

This transparency builds trust and can turn one-time buyers into repeat customers.

#14. Keep Your Customers Engaged

Stay in touch with your customers through email newsletters or retargeting ads. 

Share new product information, sales, and special offers to keep them interested and encourage repeat purchases.

Engagement goes beyond just promoting products. 

Share behind-the-scenes content, customer stories, or industry news to create a sense of community. 

Personalize your communications based on customer behavior and preferences to make them feel valued and appreciated.

#15. Automated Email Sequences

Email drips are automated sequences of emails sent over time. 

They keep your brand in customers' minds without overwhelming them. Use tools(like Klaviyo) to set up welcome emails, follow-up coupons, and updates on new products.

Email drips can nurture leads and guide them through the buying journey. 

Start with a welcome series to introduce your brand, followed by educational content and special offers. 

Segment your email list to send targeted messages that resonate with different customer groups.

#16. Provide Excellent Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can set you apart. Respond quickly to inquiries and address issues promptly. 

Provide multiple contact options and a comprehensive FAQ page to support your customers.

Excellent customer service builds loyalty and encourages positive word-of-mouth. 

Train your support team to handle inquiries efficiently and empathetically. 

Use customer feedback to improve your products and services continually, showing customers that you value their input.

#17. Effective Call-to-Actions and Pop-Ups

Strategic calls-to-action (CTAs) and pop-ups can drive conversions. 

Use them to highlight special offers, encourage sign-ups, or promote specific products, but ensure they’re not too intrusive.

Effective CTAs guide customers toward taking the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. 

Design pop-ups to appear at the right moment, such as when a customer is about to leave the site or has viewed several products. 

A/B test different CTAs and pop-up designs to find what works best for your audience.

#18 Upselling and Cross-Selling Techniques

Upselling and cross-selling increase the value of each sale. 

Suggest higher-end products or related items to customers at checkout. Ensure these suggestions are relevant to their interests.

Upselling encourages customers to buy a more expensive version of the product they’re considering, while cross-selling introduces them to complementary products. 

Both strategies can enhance the customer’s experience by offering solutions that meet their needs better. 

Use personalized recommendations based on browsing and purchase history to make these suggestions more effective.

#19. Special Incentives for Returning Customers

Reward repeat customers with special discounts, early access to new products, or reward points. 

This builds loyalty and encourages more purchases.

Loyalty programs incentivize repeat purchases and can turn customers into brand advocates. 

Create a tiered rewards system where customers earn more benefits as they spend more. 

Communicate the value of your loyalty program through multiple channels to encourage sign-ups and participation.

#20. Ask Customers to Refer and Earn

Referral programs can drive new customers. 

Offer existing customers incentives like discounts or credits for referring friends. Consider setting up an affiliate program to reward those who bring in sales.

Referral programs leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing - the cheapest form of marketing. 

Customers who refer friends are essentially vouching for your brand, which can be highly persuasive. 

Make it easy for customers to share referral links and track their referrals. Offer attractive rewards to motivate participation.

#21. Trust Yourself and Your Team

Confidence in your products and team is crucial. 

Believe in your ability to grow your business and trust your team to support you in achieving your goals.

A positive mindset and strong team collaboration are key to success. 

Regularly communicate with your team, celebrate successes, and learn from setbacks. Encourage innovation and be open to new ideas and strategies. By fostering a supportive and dynamic work environment, you can drive your business toward long-term success.


Growing an e-commerce business is a journey that requires dedication and perseverance, but the rewards are undoubtedly worthwhile.

By implementing these 21 tips, you can effectively boost your sales and revenue, paving the way for long-term success.

Remember to remain patient, stay committed, and continuously refine your strategies to achieve optimal results.

With determination and strategic planning with Trend Hijacking, you can realize the full potential of your e-commerce venture and reap the fruits of your hard work. Book a call today. 


Q. What are some effective ways to offer free shipping without cutting into profits?

A. To offer free shipping without acquiring a loss, try adjusting product pricing to absorb shipping costs, setting a minimum order value for free shipping(i.e. Free shipping on orders above $100), or negotiating discounted shipping rates with carriers.

Q. How can I leverage customer ratings and reviews to enhance trust and boost sales?

A. You can leverage customer ratings and reviews by prominently displaying them on your product pages, encouraging satisfied customers to leave feedback, and promptly responding to any negative reviews to address concerns.

Q. What strategies can I use to create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate purchases?

A. Create urgency by using limited-time offers, countdown timers, or flash sales to incentivize immediate action. Highlighting scarcity or limited availability of products can also drive urgency among customers.

Q. How do I determine the best products to bundle together for maximum sales impact?

A. Determine the best products to bundle by considering complementary items that enhance the value of each other. Analyze customer purchasing patterns and preferences to identify popular product combinations.

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We help busy Individuals Build, Launch & Scale an E-commerce Business with the sole purpose of an Exit*

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*DISCLAIMER: All testimonials shown are real but do not claim to represent typical results. Any success depends on many variables that are unique to each individual, business, and product market opportunity, including commitment and effort. Testimonial results are meant to demonstrate what the most dedicated partners, clients, and students have done and should not be considered average. Trendhijacking.com makes no guarantee of any financial gain from the use of its products or services.

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